The Karshaka Santhwanam project with auspices of the RARS(SZ), Vellayani team, has beena success amongst the farmers in the southern regions of Kerala. To enhance the farmer-scientist interaction, it is understood that there is a need for the development of an ‘app’ toassist farmers under the Karshaka Santhwanam scheme. The purpose of the ‘app’ would beto provide a platform for request of diagnostic services by the farmers/ agricultural officers,provide consultancy services to the farmers using the expertise of scientists from the KeralaAgricultural University, maintain a database of the problems affecting farmers in AEU 1,3,4,12, 13 along with the recommendations and solutions provided; maintain a database withsymptoms and their images pertaining to pests and diseases affecting the crops in theregion along with the remedial measures. The development of this ‘Karshaka Santwanam app’ would help in strengthening the extent of assistance provided to the farmers through this scheme. The database of the app is hosted by KAU in a dual CPU core, MySQL server with 16 GB RAM and OS Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. Scientists from Kerala Agricultural University (the Karshaka Santhwanam Team), Agricultural Officers and farmers have to register onto the app before gaining access to it.